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Telema Portal`s dashboard
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Telema Portal`s dashboard
Last modified by
Ayrton Grossmann
on 2014/10/14 15:40
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{{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="Contents"}} {{toc depth="6" start="1" numbered="false"/}} {{/box}} After logging into Telema Portal, you will be taken to Portal`s dashboard view. You can always go back to the dashboard by clicking on Telema logo or "Home" button. The dashboard contains the following information: * Last Sent/Received documents * New partners to link * Telema Helpdesk = Last sent/received documents = Here you can see the list of documents your company has previously sent or received. The following information is given about each document: * **An envelope icon** - it shows if the document has been viewed or not * **Registered** - date and time when the document was received in Telema * **Doc ID** - number of the document * **From** - the name of the company or branch who has sent you the document * **To** - the name of the company or branch to whom was the document sent * **Channel** - a channel through which the document was sent The document can be opened by clicking on its **Doc ID**. To sort the documents' list click on the column headers named before. Double click on the column header will sort the data in the reverse order. = New partners to link = On the right side of the dashboard screen you can see the list of new partners - the branches who have been described in Telema system during the last 30 calendar days. Only those branches are shown to which the pair is not established from your company's side. At once there is shown 5 branches with a possibility to view the whole list. The branches' names are sorted according to their registration date in Telema in descending order. To see the detailed information about a branch, click on the branch's name. A pop-up window will be opened where you can see the following details: * Branch name * Company name * GLN * Reg no * VAT no * Address * City * County * Country * Postal code * Phone * Mobile * Fax * E-mail * PO Box In addition to viewing the branch's details it's is possible to ask for a pairing to be done in the same pop-up window. This can be done as follows: * In case you have the right to initiate the pair, send an e-mail request by entering the code that you have given to this certain branch in your ERP system (the code is not required if your company is a Lite user or both companies use GLN for partner identification) and pushing the button **SEND PAIRING REQUEST**. The system will then show whether your request has been registered - a message will be shown in the same window. * In case you have no right to initiate the pair, you are still able to send an initiation request to the person in your company who has this right. The process is the same as previously described, but the offer goes then to the e-mail address of your company's key user. The key user can then after logging in request pairs from Telema or just forward the arrived e-mail to telema@telema.com. = Telema Helpdesk = The contact data of Telema's Helpdesk can be seen on the dashboard: * Phone * E-mail To write to Helpdesk click on the button named **SEND REQUEST**. A new pop-up window will be opened where you can enter the message details and add a file. To send the message click **SEND**. To cancel the message sending just close the window from** X**. You will receive a notification when the message has been sent successfully. [[image:EAS.jpg]]